How did you become the Savvy Sister that you are today?
I came from a background of severe racism and bullying and due to financial difficulties, I had to move to 16 different homes before I turned 18 years of age, which led to major identity and belonging issues.
I am a first generation Australia with Dutch and Chinese parents, so I found it difficult knowing where I belong and whom I was growing up.
Have you ever struggled with belonging? One day, everything changed.
The quote of George Bernard Shaw came into my world:
“Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”
I then realized that whatever my background and struggles, I can be WHOEVER I want to be!
From that day forth I lived with a new desire for growth, and began to value being Brave, Vulnerable and being Kind to myself and others.
Growing up, I definitely had a fear of speaking out, sharing my truths and feeling confident in whom I am and what I had to say. Did you know that public speaking is the Number 1 fear in the world?
Yes, indeed. People would rather be in a really small space, really high up with snakes and spiders, and even die, than to public speak.
Have you ever remained silent personally or professionally, when you could have spoken out?
I am grateful that due to choosing to value being Brave, Vulnerable and Kind, I am now a Tedx Talk Speaker, Australian Speaking Champion, a passionate Public Speaking & Fulfillment Mindset Coach who specializes in Emotional Intimacy, and an International Humanitarian speaking out about injustice.
I get to serve thousands of people around the globe to overcome their greatest challenges with speaking, emotional fitness, mindset and more.
I am also grateful to have won the Women’s Federation for World Peace Speech Contest in the UK and have spoken out about human rights in front of the UN and also members of the EU, UK and AUS Parliaments.
I believe if I can overcome these challenges, goodness, anyone else can! Though I can speak in front of audiences of thousands now, it definitely wasn’t always the case.
That is what has led me to who I am today ☺
What keeps you going when things get tough?
Having a Contribution Mindset - It is not about me.
One day I was crying, telling my mum about how difficult it is for me to speak in front of people because I was scared about what others would think of me.
Back in school, I was always anxious about what people thought about me, even worrying about judgement from strangers who saw me walking past. I was forever worried about other people’s criticism.
My mum said, a little bluntly, “the whole world doesn’t revolve around you, Jody.”
What?! I was offended at the time, however, her words began to settle in over the days proceeding...It then clicked, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!
In the past, my self-conscious tendencies and inner critic thoughts were because I was worrying about what other people thought about ME.
But it’s not about me.
When running a business, when speaking and communicating to others, when doing presentations, when helping people out professionally or personally, IT IS ABOUT THEM!
It is about the value THEY can gain, the change THEY can make from my words, and the transformation THEY can have. They are focused on THEM and it’s not all about me.
Of course, this doesn’t mean not valuing ourselves as first priority and giving ourselves me time and self care,
This refers to be mindset that is required to positively make a difference and build a successful business.
It is about OTHERS.
In summary, I know how it feels to be too scared to speak out and not know how to be there for myself and others emotionally, and now it is my MISSION to help as many other people to overcome these challenges also.
What's one of the biggest lessons you've learned since starting your own business?
Never forget your values.
When times get touch, doubt kicks in or things take longer than expected, it is important that we remind ourselves of our values.
Our values become the foundation of confidence on which we stand, and the pillars of excellence that we strive to live up to more often.
It is important also not to get distracted by various “opportunities” and remind ourselves of the priorities that best match our personal and business values.
This means healthy boundaries, and a way more fulfilling journey on the way to a successful business.
Living into my values allowed me to transform my speaking and coaching business from a hobby into a 6 Figure Business in under 15 months.
Yay! ☺
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give younger you?
Firstly, I wouldn’t want to alter my journey at all, not one bit.
Every struggle, every conversation, every decision has led me to who I am and where I am now.
I wouldn’t change that.
If I had to choose something, it would be to remind myself to listen to my potential and hold on.
“Beautiful and extraordinary things lay ahead.”
What are three of your greatest strengths?
1) Owning the power of my voice. I am grateful to be an Australian Impromptu Speaking Champion because I have a talent for speaking on the spot in a way that inspires and captivates. I am grateful for having loved reading and music growing up, which definitely has shaped my ability to speak fluently.
2) Resilience, Vulnerability and Courage. I have gone through my fair share of challenges, traumas and struggles throughout my life, and I am grateful to have more often than not listened to that voice of potential that said, “Hold on, beautiful and extraordinary experiences lay ahead.”
3) Emotional Intimacy. I FEEL immensely connected to myself emotionally and to others. I know my strength is the balance between masculine (outward action) and feminine (inward feeling), and this has become a superpower of mine to hold space and help people to unlock their potential. I am grateful for my empathy and emotional communications skills. I now run whole courses on Emotional Mastery.
What's your go to stress reliever?
So many!
1) Quality time with the love of my life, Melvin.
2) Relaxation time with my “Triple A” Guinea Pigs (Ash, Ava and Amber).
3) Quality time with friends.
4) OUTDOOR ADVENTURES! Hiking, paddle boarding, bike riding, anything with outdoor exploration to get the blood pumping. Yes yes yes!
What's something you're currently celebrating?
I am grateful for the amazing humans who have invested in themselves as part of my community, courses, programs and coaching packages. These humans inspire ME. They all took the leap of courage to overcome their challenges and it is always SO inspiring to see them gaining life-changing results.
Goodness, one of my members joined my Public Speaking Mastery Course desiring to enhance her speaking skills a little. At the end of a few weeks, she had quit her job, started to pursue her dream full-time, and absolutely transformed her confidence in all areas of her life!
How freakin’ brilliant!
I am grateful for all my members. Thank-you for taking the time to grow by reading my featured blog article.
Be Brave. Be Vulnerable. Be Kind.
Follow Jody on Instagram! @jodydontjecoaching
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